Saturday, 30 April 2016

Summer Blanket update

Good morning lovely people. Isn't it just a lovely,  if a bit chilly,  Saturday morning? Blue skies without a fluffy white, or ominous black cloud to be seen. Bearing in mind the mixed bag of weather we have had this week I'm not sure if its going to last so, probably like many of you,  I've been washing clothes and hanging them out to dry,  while its lovely.

But hey,  the blanket update!
I've been crocheting my heart out this week.  Since my last post actually.  I've added a few colours in to my scheme as I think it needed it.

What do you think?
I'm using Stylecraft special dk colours: Spring Green,  Wisteria,  Parchment,  Fondant,  Khaki,  Magenta, Lemon and Cloud Blue.

The khaki looks much darker than in reality. I pondered this colour being added in but it does give it a bit more depth.

As you can see I've made each colour up into 4 round squares to give you a better idea.

This is the pile of squares I've put together in the last week

Looks loads doesn't it?  Sorry I haven't sewn in the ends yet.  
There are 24 squares altogether being a mixture of 8, 6, 4 and 2 rounds. 

This is the reality though. ...

Yep that area highlighted is effectively what I have crocheted. ...I have some way to go but as the Summer is taking a little while to arrive then perhaps I may have a summer blanket for the Summer. ...
Watch this space! 

Ta ra for now.  Enjoy your bank holiday weekend if you are here in the UK. 
Would be lovely to know where you are all from. ..drop a comment  in the comments box and let me know xx

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Bleak Sunday

Good morning
I hope the weather outside looks better where you are.
Here in Norwich we had blue skies at it's an hour or so later and the grey has moved in.  I guess the rain will follow.
It reminds me of the Madness song "it's raining again, I can hear the pitter patter down"
But on the bright side,  because there always has to be a bright side to make the day a good day. ..I've just designed my template for my Summer Pastel Blanket.
Don't often work with pale colours so this will be interesting.

Here is my pattern. ...lots of squares involved. ..eek

I'm going to use the traditional granny square.  Had played about with a few others but hard to get exact sizes to work.
I've started off with three colours Wisteria, Fondant and Spring Green

But need to add more colours mmmm

The apricot and lemon look good. Not sure about the cream and parchment.  A bit bland?  Or would they work to balance the whole thing? I don't want a sickly sweet blanket.
And possibly a pale blue
As always,  am totally disorganised and have started before thinking it through.
Get excited and can't wait that is my problem ha ha!
But,  as usual,  in my own chaotic way,  I will get there.

Happy Sunday everyone and watch this space xx

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Celebrations and commiserations

Will this has been a week of emotions.
Thing 1 was due back at uni Saturday morning but as soon as he heard there was a beamback at Carrow Rd for the Crystal Palace game he deferred his trip back till the evening.
Arsenal v west ham,  palace v norwich,  a pukka pie and a pint for £5. Thing 1 brought along his best mate and we had a great afternoon. ....until norwich lost.  Really could have done with those 3 points.
Now the Sunderland game this Saturday is huge.  We NEED to beat them otherwise it will really look like championship again next year.  Unfortunately its the same for Sunderland so. ......huge huge huge game! !!!
Hence why my lovely boy, Thing 1, is coming back from uni for the weekend. Brilliant.

Then Sunday was Thing 2's birthday.  He has reached the grand old age of 16.

He had a lovely day. Nice gifts and  money (important at 16). We had a game of crazy golf and an indoor bbq.

I also put up some colourful lights in the garden.  I think the Bobster approved

Look at his smug little face as he plays king of the castle or at least king of the Welsh dresser ha ha

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Can a girl have too many bags?

No of course she can't! That's why I've made another one. ..and this one it's going to help with the 5p carrier bag charge

sorry short post. ...working all day. ...have to make money to buy more yarn ha ha. ...oh yeah and the bills

Monday, 4 April 2016

Being strung along. ....

I finished making this scarf the other day.  It's light and in a duck egg blue/green wool.  Hopefully it will be lovely on those summer evenings when there is a bit of a chill but you don't want anything to thick around your neck or shoulders

I'm also in the throes of finishing a string bag so watch this space. ...

This weekend I got all excited about the prospect of summer, or at least spring arriving and retrieved the garden furniture from the garage.  I even cut the grass but. the words of Madness. ..It's raining again. ....

I don't suppose we will be using the chimnea for a while. Boo!

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Saturday afternoon home

Today's game was thrilling. Ending in a much much needed win 3-2 against Newcastle.  I can't believe how much I clapped and sung.  No voice and a little shaky at full time when we got a last minute winner.