Saturday, 23 November 2019

Hygge Time

Hello again.. and so soon. Unusual for me eh!

Well  I thought I would share my latest creation or rather its ongoing progress. This is my Hygge Shawl (pronounced Hoogah). It is a Scheepje Internation Cal and is gorgeous. I am using their rainbow colourway but have chosen to put it on a graphite grey back ground.

This photo is in the middle of week 4, there is a long way to go!... It is a mixture of crochet and cross stitch so is something a little bit different. 

If you don't know what Hygge is, it is a Danish concept. Imagine a perfect room of coziness. Lets pretend there is a blazing log fire with a rug in front. Snuggly sofa with plump cushions and hot chocolate ready to drink. Bookcases full of books and jigsaws, with the lighting dimmed just a little, and all your friends round enjoying some nibbles of food. Imagine the feeling that would evoke of cozy happiness. That is Hygge. Its a feeling rather than an actual thing. I love hyggeness. 

So this is my feel good hygge shawl and I am loving it. Just a bit scared because I will eventually have to back it with material and that is not my forte.... eek. 

Hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you are. I hope if you are in Australia you are safe from the bush fires, and if in England you are coping with the floods and... the general election. What a time for us all!

Till next time


Lots to show and tell

Well its only just over a month to Christmas. I think I am quite organised but I bet I will still have last minute things to do which I have forgotten about.

Today the Parents and I went to Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre. It's always a good morning out and I managed to pick up a few christmas presents as well as my yearly bag of mixed flavour cheeses. Yum!

But that is racing ahead and I want to show you the St Martins Knitted House. It looked fabulous finished with all the lovely knitted and crocheted scarves.

Isn't it just fabulous? So colourful and such a lovely surrounding in Norwich Cathedral.
Very proud to have my two scarves above the front and back doors. Hopefully they were able to raise some money and awareness for the homeless.

Anyway I also finished my blanket. A Deramores pattern. I felt like it would never be finished. Not a great photo.. especially as i left the bin in the foreground... whoops!

After completing this marathon I really needed a break from 'big blankets' and so made some christmas gifts. 

I made some wrist warmers for thing 1 and 2 plus a couple for others. I also made some Yarn And Chai (thank you for the pattern!) baskets. I will be filling these with a nice christmas scented candle for a few client gifts. There will be a remove the candle before lighting it warning.. by the way. 

I made them all in different colour schemes and they are very fun, quick and easy to make... check out Rebeccas website!

I also made an infinity scarf and a wee willie winkie sleep cap. So now I am all caught up on christmas gifts. I have saved some money and made things which I hope people will love and appreciate the personal touch.

Catchya in my next post!
