Well I thought I would share my latest creation or rather its ongoing progress. This is my Hygge Shawl (pronounced Hoogah). It is a Scheepje Internation Cal and is gorgeous. I am using their rainbow colourway but have chosen to put it on a graphite grey back ground.
This photo is in the middle of week 4, there is a long way to go!... It is a mixture of crochet and cross stitch so is something a little bit different.
If you don't know what Hygge is, it is a Danish concept. Imagine a perfect room of coziness. Lets pretend there is a blazing log fire with a rug in front. Snuggly sofa with plump cushions and hot chocolate ready to drink. Bookcases full of books and jigsaws, with the lighting dimmed just a little, and all your friends round enjoying some nibbles of food. Imagine the feeling that would evoke of cozy happiness. That is Hygge. Its a feeling rather than an actual thing. I love hyggeness.
So this is my feel good hygge shawl and I am loving it. Just a bit scared because I will eventually have to back it with material and that is not my forte.... eek.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend wherever you are. I hope if you are in Australia you are safe from the bush fires, and if in England you are coping with the floods and... the general election. What a time for us all!
Till next time