I made my mum an infinity scarf which she has used throughout the winter so that has been lovely.
And my clients all received crocheted baskets with candles in... and a message not to light candles whilst in the baskets lol.. i don't want to be responsible for any fire damage. Eek.
I eventually sewed my Lily Pond blanket up and gave it to a client who had been having a bit of a tough year. She really loved and appreciated it which made it very worthwhile and being very interested in art... commented on how much it looked like a Monet piece. Awww.
Anyway... christmas and new year are now a distant memory and we are just a week into March. I started the Kaleidoscope Cal beginning of January.... and it has taken such a lot of time but I am up to date. I have also been trying to keep my Fiesta blanket going... I am so loving this one. Just got to decide on border colours.
And if life wasn't busy enough I have enrolled on to a Diet and Nutrition Advisor course which will take at least 150 hours of study.
So I hope you have got through the last couple months unscathed. In the east of England we have been very lucky.. a lot of our Midlands area has been underwater, which is tragic and so sad.
Today I took a morning to wander round Cromer ( a quintessential English Seaside town with a Pier and beach huts), a lovely walk along the seafront to clear my head and a pot of tea at a little community cafe that helps disadvantaged people.
Have just had a lovely meal that i conncocted myself... very healthy and very tasty... definitely one for to do again.
And now I've finished typing a little blog and will say good bye for now.
Hope Spring comes early for everyone
Bye for now x