Saturday, 7 March 2020

Mad March

Hello, sorry it has just been so long. Christmas went well with all the mad panic that it usually does. My dad liked his Santa hat in the same colours as his crochet blanket i made him last winter.. the only thing is that this year we have had a relatively mild winter so he hasn't had to use it much. 
I made my mum an infinity scarf which she has used throughout the winter so that has been lovely. 
And my clients all received crocheted baskets with candles in... and a message not to light candles whilst in the baskets lol.. i don't want to be responsible for any fire damage. Eek.

I eventually sewed my Lily Pond blanket up and gave it to a client who had been having a bit of a tough year. She really loved and appreciated it which made it very worthwhile and being very interested in art... commented on how much it looked like a Monet piece. Awww.

Anyway... christmas and new year are now a distant memory and we are just a week into March. I started the Kaleidoscope Cal beginning of January.... and it has taken such a lot of time but I am up to date. I have also been trying to keep my Fiesta blanket going... I am so loving this one. Just got to decide on border colours. 

And if life wasn't busy enough I have enrolled on to a Diet and Nutrition Advisor course which will take at least 150 hours of study. 

So I hope you have got through the last couple months unscathed. In the east of England we have been very lucky.. a lot of our Midlands area has been underwater, which is tragic and so sad.

Today I took a morning to wander round Cromer ( a quintessential English Seaside town with a Pier and beach huts), a lovely walk along the seafront to clear my head and a pot of tea at a little community cafe that helps disadvantaged people. 

Have just had a lovely meal that i conncocted myself... very healthy and very tasty... definitely one for to do again. 

And now I've finished typing a little blog and will say good bye for now. 
Hope Spring comes early for everyone
Bye for now x