Monday, 8 March 2021

My Queen

 I have been quiet, I guess being in lockdown can do that too you. Life just feels like it is on hold and I haven't been working since 18th December and won't be allowed back until at least 12th April which is 5 weeks away and just two days after Thing 2 turns 21. At least we should be able to have a BBQ out in the back garden to celebrate....just need the weather to warm up a little bit.

So keeping me sane....or at least partially sane and very warm is my big Queen blanket by Tinna. 

It has now got pride of place on my kingsize bed and is keeping me very snuggly, especially as i like the windows open throughout the winter. It also matches my ottoman really well. A little second hand bargain off a carboot from a few years back. 

Hope everyone is well and have kept their sanity while staying safe. Roll on 21st June when hopefully the whole country will be celebrating, along with Thing 1 who turns 24 on the same day. A midsummer baby.

Take care