Saturday, 22 September 2018

What a week!

Thing 2 happily drove off with his dad at 5am last Saturday morning, towards Birmingham and his new life at Aston University. Excited and a little anxious.

A couple of hours later I drove Thing 1 to Hatfield to pick up the keys for his new home for his last year at Hertfordshire University.
A busy couple of hours ensued moving him in, he couldn't really help being on crutches.
We then drove back to Norwich as he had a physio appointment on Monday. Exhausted by the time we arrived back, having been up since 4.30am with Thing 2.

Thing 2 has met two hall mates today and is now happy being in his new room and environment. He's showed his dad round and unpacked.

Trying to cook tea later (a nice piece of gammon) the oven went bang and the oven stopped cooking. Think the heating element has gone. Thankfully being a range oven there is a second oven and so tea was saved!

Thursday saw another early start and then a very early stop as we couldnt even get out of Norwich (A11) before coming to a halt with cars backed up and going nowhere. Meant our normal 2 hour journey increased by half an hour

But we got there, finished moving in Thing 1 and then dropped hm off, crutches and all, with two geography friends, at University for his intro day.

I got back to Norwich by 12.30pm and out came the crochet. My head was spinning. This was it.. just me now and the cat. Going to be a very strange time and will take some getting used to .. will feel like they will just walk in for a while yet.

But on the plus side Sophie is going great guns and I'm on round 85. So very close and my 8 sided Sophie has now just got 4 sides and so is on its way to being a completed square blanket. Its taking my mind off being on my own after 21 years.

So here she is.... she does need a bit of blocking so edges are curling in a bit at the moment but you can see roughly how much work has gone into her so far..

So i wish you all a happy weekend, hope the weather hasn't affected you too much this week. Take care Roz x

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Tough week

Sometimes we all go through tough times whether it be months, days or even moments. The loss of a loved one, illness or anything which just upsets our equilibrium.

If i'm honest this has been a tough summer with a special cousin going through a cancer scare (thankfully recovered after a major op), my sons turned 18 (April) and 21 (June), Thing 1 came home from Canada and we had to start the process of getting a knee injury sorted. Thing 2 did his A levels and achieved an AAB. Proud mum totally.

But this last couple weeks have felt like its all accumulated and caused me stress. Trying to get two boys ready for University at the same time, visitors from Finland, Germany and the Netherlands just before Thing 1 had his knee operation (this monday) I think pushed my stress levels up and caused me a few problems.

What saved me .. getting some of the jobs sorted, a good sort out of the house and crochet. Sophies universe is so complex (not necessarily difficult but whoa you need to concentrate) that if i pick it up i can't think of anything else. Its such a stress buster.

So I hope that if any of you also have stress issues, going through a tough time, its good to realise that others are too.. but pick up those hooks and let crochet take some of it away.

Happy weekend everyone.... oh and this time next weekend... both boys will be moving into their uni accommodation. A start of a new journey for me... so i think next week is going to be an emotional one. Tissues have been bought!

Roz xx